1. Submitted abstracts are sent by the Editors-in-Chief’s administrators to be reviewed in anonymous format by the Peer-Review Board. Within 15 days of receipt of the anonymous abstract, the reviewers must submit their assessments by completing and returning their peer-review forms. Upon approval, applicants are assigned to the relevant panels. They are then notified that their participation in the conference has been approved, and that they should submit an anonymous paper for review in due time.
2. Anonymous conference papers submitted by participants are then sent to a Peer-Review Board for anonymous assessments by reviewers, who specialize in the subject of the article.
2.1. The system of the so-called double blind peer review is adopted: the author’s text is sent by the editor in an anonymous form (without identifying data) to reviewers.
2.2. The author of the text is not revealed to the reviewer, and neither is the reviewer’s identity – to the author.
2.3 Members of the Editorial Boards are obliged to keep secret all activities under above items.
3. Within 15 days of receipt of the anonymous article, the reviewer must submit his / her assessment by completing and returning their peer-review form.
3.1. Reviewers evaluate:
- Conformity with the conference theme;
- Originality of the subject matter and the scientific report;
- Linguistic accuracy;
- Language culture;
- Clarity and logic;
- Comprehensiveness;
- Stability of argumentation;
- Correctness of bibliography formatting and citations;
3.2. As a result of the review, the provided text may:
A) Be accepted for publication;
B) Be returned to the author for corrections that lead to improvement, explicitly mentioned by the reviewer. The adequacy of the changes made will be judged by the Editorial Boards, when deciding whether and how to proceed with the publication;
C) Not be accepted for publication.
3.3. In the event that reviewers do not provide an assessment, the final decision will be taken by the Editorial Boards.
4. Publication decisions shall be taken by the Editorial Boards on the basis of the proposal of the Editors-in-Chief.
Next: Submission of Papers