Important dates and quick info
Venue: Sofia University, Bulgaria.
Language of the conference: English.
Date: December 12-13th, 2019
Release of program (tentative): December 2nd, 2019
Abstracts submission deadline: September 15th, 2019 (extended)
Applications via online form: http://bit.ly/ChinaWorldSofia2019
Notification of acceptance: October 15th, 2019 (extended). Accepted applicants will be invited to send in an anonymous version of their conference paper.
Conference paper submission deadline: November 30th, 2019 (extended)..
Full paper submission deadline: February 29th, 2020. Submissions of final non-anonymous versions of manuscripts will be collected after the conference. This way participants will have enough time to revise their articles according to the feedback that they get during the conference. Two volumes of selected papers will be published: a printed special selection and an e-book edition of articles, based on the conference papers. Maximum limit of all text per article is 10 pages (with bibliography), in PDF format.
Keynote speakers:
Dr. Paul G. Clifford (Non-resident Senior Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School. Author of The China Paradox – At the Front Line of Economic Transformation. (2017)
Professor Richard T. Griffiths (Emeritus professor of International Studies at Leiden University and Research Fellow at the International Institute for Asian Studies. Author of ‘Revitalising the Silk Road. China’s Belt and Road initiative in context’ (2017) and ‘The New Silk Road: Challenge and Response’ (2019)
(For detailed information, please check the Keynote speakers section.)
Reviewing process: All abstracts and conference papers will undergo anonymous double blind peer-review. We welcome all colleagues, not only and not necessarily conference participants to join our peer-review committee. To do so, please read our CALL FOR REVIEWERS.
No conference fee
Transport, Accommodation, Dining: Participants bear all relevant transportation expenses to and from Sofia, as well as all their lodging and dining expenses. There are no stipends available.
Co-chair Head Organizers and Co-Editors-in-Chief:
Prof. Dr. Alexander Alexiev
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pawel Zygadlo
Editorial Board Members (Sofia University):
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Antonia Tsankova (SU HoD)
Sen. Ass. Dr. Teodora Koutsarova
Sen. Ass. Dr. Evelina Hein
Assoc. Prof. Dr Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik (University of Ljubljana)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mateja Petrovčič (University of Ljubljana)
Dr. Roxana Ribu (Transylvania University, Brașov)
Giulia Rampolla, PhD in Chinese Studies, University of Naples "L'Orientale"; International University of Rome
Editorial Board Members (XJTLU):
Prof. Beibei Tang (XJTLU HoD)
Assoc. Prof. Chun-fung (Geoffrey) Chen
Assoc. Prof. Ceren Ergenc
Assoc. Prof. Keping Wu
Dr. Emily Williams
Loredana Cesarino, Lecturer, PhD,
Conference Organizing Committee Members (Sofia University):
Sen. Ass. Dr. Teodora Koutsarova
Sen. Ass. Dr. Veselin Karastoychev
Sen. Ass. Dr. Evelina Hein
Ass. Prof. Stefan Ivanchev
Ass. Prof. Maria Marinova
Ass. Prof. Tsvetelina Nedialkova
Ass. Prof. Maya Nencheva
Conference Organizing Committee Members (XJTLU):
Assoc. Prof. Yu Song
Dr. Xi Liu
Dr. Dragan Pavlicevic
Dr. Loredana Cesarino
Dr. Miguel Hidalgo Martinez
Peer-review Board:
Margaret CHU, PhD, Fellow & Council Member, Royal Commonwealth Society in HK
Katarzyna Golik, PhD, Asst.Prof., Polish Academy of Sciences
Nataša Vampelj Suhadolnik, Ph.D., Assoc. Prof., Head of Department of Asian Studies University of Ljubljana
Mateja Petrovčič, PhD, Assoc. Prof., University of Ljubljana, Head of Sinology
Liu Xi, PhD, XJTLU
Yu Song, PhD, Assoc. Prof, XJTLU
Dragan Pavlicevic, PhD, XJTLU
Loredana Cesarino, PhD, XJTLU
Miguel Hidalgo Martinez, PhD, XJTLU
Giulia Rampolla, PhD in Chinese Studies, University of Naples "L'Orientale"; International University of Rome
Chi ZHANG, PhD, University of Leeds
Riccardo Moratto, PhD., Associate Professor, Hunan Normal University
Dikai Chao, MA, PhD.student, National Taiwan Normal University
Antonia Tsankova, PhD., Assoc. Prof., Sofia University
Stefan Ivanchev, Asst.Prof., Phd Student, Sofia University
Maria Marinova Asst.Prof., Phd Candidate, Sofia University
Evelina Hein, PhD, Sen. Asst., Sofia University
Teodora Kouzarova, PhD, Sen. Asst., Sofia University
Abigail-Yuji XU, MPhil, PhD placement, Hong Kong Baptist University
Next: Application & Fee