The full size papers (up to 20 000 Cyrillic/Latin symbols with spaces, or 8000 Chinese characters) in Bulgarian, English or Chinese should be sent to the above e-mail address by October 30, 2021 in order to be included in the Conference’s book of proceedings.
The abstract and keywords should be written in English, not exceeding 800 Latin characters with spaces.
Technical requirements: 34 lines in a page, font – Times New Roman, Chinese characters – font Deng Xian, font size 12, Line spacing – 1.5, Alignment – Justified.
Footnotes must be written in the respective page.
In-text quote references must be formatted in the following way:
(Alexeev 1978: 32) or (Feng 1997: 58-9)
All non-English language references in the bibliography should be transliterated or transcribed using the Roman script and also translated into English. Please refer to the examples of books and articles referencing, shown in the formatting layout template below. For all cases not included in the examples, the MLA 7th edition (Modern Language Association) format guidelines should be used.
A formatting layout template, which is in accordance with the technical requirements for publishing the proceedings, is available below:
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