You can apply by using the link below:
OR you can copy, fill in and send, as email attachment the Application form (see bottom of page) to:
No conference fee
Transport, Accommodation, Dining: Participants bear all relevant transportation expenses to and from Sofia, as well as all their lodging and dining expenses. There are no stipends available.
Call for Reviewers
Dear Reviewer,
We address this call to all colleagues who would like to help us review the article proposals for the International Conference “China and the World: Language, Culture, Politics” to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, in December 2019. The event is joinly organised by Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Department of Sinology, Bulgaria, and Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU), Department of China Studies, China.
We recognize the value and importance of the peer reviewer in the article pre-publication process – not only in shaping the individual participant’s presentation and manuscript, but also in shaping the credibility and reputation of our conference and its subsequent publication of presented papers.
If you would like to be a reviewer for the International Conference “China and the World: Language, Culture, Politics” to be held in Sofia, Bulgaria, in December 2019, please fill-in and return the CALL FOR PEER-REVIEWERS FORM (Attachment 2) to the following address:
Next: Peer-Review Guidelines